Empowering Students at Qualifying Schools | The New Joy Center


At The New Joy Center in Barstow, our mission is twofold: to nurture young minds and empower communities. As a trusted learning center, we have established a reputation for championing the cause of underserved kids and communities. Through our initiatives with qualifying schools, such as Scale Leadership Academy East, we ensure that every child, irrespective of their background, has access to top-notch academic resources.

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trust badges
5 star experience

Paving Pathways to Success

We believe in offering more than just a community learning center; we offer hope, direction, and the tools to thrive academically. Contact us to learn more!

girls studying together

Beyond Just Academics

Embracing the essence of a holistic academic support center, we cater to a diverse range of needs, ensuring tailored learning paths and special attention to those who require it.

teens at school

Why Partner with The New Joy Center?

  • Tailored Learning Paths: Crafting customized academic routes for diverse learners.

  • Empowering Educators: Equipping teachers with resources and techniques to bring out the best in their students.

  • Tech-Ready Learning: Ensuring students are future-ready with updated digital tools and platforms.

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