Enrollment Opportunities | New Joy Center, Barstow


teen girl working on a laptop


Stepping into New Joy Center in Barstow is not just about joining an educational institution, but becoming part of a movement. As a dedicated non-profit, we're passionate about molding the next generation. Our emphasis? Tailored educational experiences that resonate with individual dreams and aspirations. Immerse yourself in our community-driven mission today!

The Enrollment Experience

Delve into an inclusive process that acknowledges the uniqueness of every aspiring learner in Barstow. Every application is a story, and we're eager to be a part of yours.

group of kids outside

Why New Joy Center for Your Educational Journey?

Our non-profit essence is our strength. It allows us to focus on what truly matters - crafting an environment that champions holistic growth and community enrichment. When you join our educational family, you can expect:

  • Academic Transformation: Dive into a transformative learning environment that fosters excellence.
  • Tailored Learning Paths: Individualized curriculums catered to each student's strengths and passions.
  • Special Needs, Special Attention: We recognize, respect, and cater to individual learning needs, ensuring everyone has a chance to shine.
  • Empowering Educators: Our team of dedicated educators is our backbone, guiding students toward success at every step.
  • Distraction-Free Learning Zone: A conducive environment where learners can focus and thrive.

Tech-Ready Learning: Seamlessly integrating technology into the curriculum, preparing students for a digital future.

Enroll Today

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